To insure proper credit of your payment to your account, please include your account number on your check or money order. All payments must be mailed early enough to arrive on or before the due date.
State law requires you to carry liability insurance on your vehicle. Your loan contract requires you to provide comprehensive and collision coverage. Your insurance carrier must provide us with a Certificate of Insurance that shows AllCredit as lien holder.
If you decide to make your payment in person, please feel free to come by our office between the hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. Should you decide to come by our office after hours, we do have a drop slot located on the left side of our main door. However, please remember never to drop cash in our night slot under any circumstances.
"AllCredit understood my hardships and worked with me so I could get my vehicle paid off. I recommend them to all my friends and family."
- Chiquita W.
"I had credit difficulties and was concerned about getting a loan. AllCredit gave me the chance I needed to get back on my feet."
- Rusty S.